Unbrick your Sony dash! Details here.
Info on how to install chumby onto your Sony dash here.

Reset your password

Please provide your chumby username, and we'll send you an email to the email address we have on record for that account with a link to provide a new password for the account. The link in the email is good for 24 hours.

Step 1 of 2: Enter your chumby username


Forgot your username?

If you still do not know your username, or you do know your username, but you know that the email address for the account is no longer valid, please contact using the "customer support" item in the "HELP" menu above or mail us at customer support and we'll try to help you. Please provide us with as much information as you can to help identify your account.

I did this but didn't get an email!

Your email address may be wrong, especially if this is an old account. If it's a new account, you may have typed the email address wrong. Please contact us through customer support with enough information to identify your account and we'll try to help you.

How to find this information

You can find your username on your chumby device.

Ironforge Falconwing Infocast3.5
On the chumby Classicchumby one, and Insignia Infocast 3.5", open the Control Panel, hit "SETTINGS" then "CHUMBY INFO" - your username is on the "registered to" line.

Chumby8 black
On the chumby 8, open the Control Panel, hit "Exit", then the "gear" icon, then "Device Info". Your username is displayed after the "USERNAME" label.

On the Insignia Infocast 8", open the Control Panel, navigate to the screen with the color menus on the left, and tap the "Insignia" logo. Your username will appear in the dialog box.