Unbrick your Sony dash! Details here.
Info on how to install chumby onto your Sony dash here.

Apps by samuel337

  • FMyLife (mature)

    FMyLife (mature)

    by: samuel337 (community developer)

    Widget for http://www.fmylife.com/

    created: 07/09/2009
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • sbController


    by: samuel337 (community developer)

    This widget lets you see details of the current song playing on your [[http://www.logitech.com/speakers-audio/wireless-music-systems|Squeezebox]]. You can also access some rudimentary controls, namely - next (swipe left), previous (swipe right) and pause (tap). To use this widget, you will also need to install a plugin on your Squeezebox Server in order to allow the widget to access it. Follow the instructions [[https://github.com/slai/sbController/wiki|here]], under Instructions. NOTE: While this widget has been enabled for 8-inch devices due to some user requests, this is currently unsupported and will probably look odd. If you have any issues, please post in [[http://forum.chumby.com/viewtopic.php?id=3872|this forum thread]].

    created: 01/26/2011
    average rating:
    • Currently 3 Stars