Apps by wrybread
(community developer)Watch random security cameras from around the world. Some aren't intentionally public so you get the occasional moment of voyeurism, but mostly its waiting rooms, country roads, coffee pots, elderly relatives, waterfalls, rooftops, backalleys, restaurants, walkways, birdfeeders, computer labs, confusing blurs, shopping malls, and the like. See the comments for some usage notes, and go to for some more info if you're curious.
created: 03/06/2008 average rating: -
Community Radio Tuner
(community developer)A tuner for college and community radio stations. The station URLs come from so they should stay reasonably up to date even after I've lost interest in the project. Pro tip: touch the sides of the screen for next and previous channel, the center to play, or just use the buttons at the bottom. And always remember to listen to lots of Radio Valencia.
created: 08/11/2009 average rating: -
Internet Tester
(community developer)Tests the speed of your internet connection. Very beta. Touch the top of the screen to increase the scale, the bottom to decrease it. Fair warning, since widgets don't give access to handy things like ping commands, this works by downloading a small image over and over again.
created: 08/07/2009 average rating: -
Radio Valencia Current Listeners
(community developer)Shows the number of people currently listening to the Radio Valencia ( shoutcast stream. Because obviously that's the sort of information everyone wants to know. I predict this will soon become the most popular widget on
created: 04/21/2011 average rating: -
Radio Valencia Tuner
(community developer)Tune into Radio Valencia, a community pirate radio station broadcasting on 87.9fm in San Francisco. Or go to our website at to chat at us and otherwise cause trouble.
created: 04/26/2011 average rating: -
(community developer)A bunch of satellite weather maps from around the intershnitzel. Some show up as little blotches on the Chumby, some as representations of lighting strikes, and between them you get some vague idea of whether you should wear a sweatshirt today.
created: 10/03/2008 average rating: