Apps by saeki_y
Iwanami no Meigen
(community developer)This widget shows "Today's word" from Iwanami-shoten. You need Japanese Fonts. 岩波書店の「きょうの名言」<>を表示します。 日本語対応化済みの環境でお楽しみください。
created: 03/13/2009 average rating: -
NASA One Image of the Day
(community developer)This widget shows NASA Image from "NASA Image of the Day" <>. Touch image to display the description of this image.
created: 02/28/2009 average rating: -
What day is it today?
(community developer)This widget shows today's weekday(Japanese and English). This widget is using "Kokutetsu Houkoumaku Shotai"(国鉄方向幕書体) as font.
created: 03/08/2009 average rating: