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Info on how to install chumby onto your Sony dash here.


by develephant (community developer)
last update on: 06/22/2014
popularity rank: 2
average rating:
  • Currently 4 Stars
(524 ratings)

description: Nearly impossible to explain, and possibly your next addiction, Chumbyland is a new kind of interactive social experience for all ages. Come meet, play, and travel with thousands of other Chumbians in this exclusive Chumby community. Imagination required! Be sure to visit [[http://www.mychumbyland.com]] to learn more. [[http://www.mychumbyland.com/donate/|(donate)]]. THIS WIDGET IS UNAVAILABLE ON THE SONY DASH.

This app cannot be previewed online.

Click the widget to enable audio if the widget uses it. Note that modern browser security may prevent the widget from loading content from other web sites, however the widget should be able to load properly on the chumby devices. These previews are possible through the use of Ruffle ‐ note that Ruffle is still a work in progress, and not all Flash features are implemented, so some widgets may not perform optimally.

Blue Octy LLC is providing these community-developed apps as a courtesy and makes no representations regarding the apps or any information related to them. Any questions, complaints or claims regarding the apps should be directed to the appropriate author


  • develephant

    – November 08 2011

    Chumbyland is back up after some server issues. Thanks for playing!

  • develephant

    – July 25 2011

    Chumbyland will be offline starting this evening.

  • ladybuell

    – July 07 2011

    Chumbyland is a fabulous widget; it is almost the only thing I ever have running on my chumby. I have TWO channels devoted to Chumbyland and related apps (the game player and sight viewer). I became addicted as I explored... tapping everything on each screen, discovering features and tricks. I even took to documenting as I learned, in the Chumbyland community forum at the supporting website (www.mychumbyland.com). Develephant has continued to add features the entire two and a half years I have been a citizen of Chumbyland. There's always something more to do in Chumbyland - travel, socialize, search for treasure (loot), play a variety of games within the widget, level up, personalize, etc! ... The only place I know where presents fall from the sky!!

  • curiousities

    – June 29 2011

    Absolutely love this widget! I've even dedicated a channel to it on my chumby! The best chumbyland widget out, months and months of varied game play (years!) I can easily spend days at a time playing. Great social community too, everyone is so helpful and willing to answer questions and offer advice. Chumbyland absolutely makes the chumby experience for me, can't recommend it highly enough! My chumname: Rainbow Doctor

  • develephant

    – March 11 2011

    @Sgodtoh - All the info you'll need can be found at support.mychumbyland.com

  • Sgodtoh

    – March 10 2011

    What do I do with Quest Points? And I spent two hours today going to random peoples places to win the treasure hunt game, and when I did nothing happened. All it said is CONGRATULATIONS! YOU WIN! Then some fireworks and it all ended. Is there no prize for this? What about other games?

  • furry6feline

    – January 29 2011

    @doctor_regtools I have the same problem. I wonder what's wrong?

  • doctor_regtools

    – January 29 2011

    I miss Chumbyland, but it hasn't been working for me for the last couple of days and I can't get to mychumbyland.com. Does anyone know what's up?

  • doctor_regtools

    – November 12 2010

    @develephant: There is so much to this game - it is a remarkable achievement. To be honest I assumed it had been developed by Chumby Industries as so much development must have been required. I'm not sure if it might be related to the latest Chumby update but yesterday I had to restart by Chumby twice while playing Chumbyland. I'll certainly sign up for the forums although they don't seem to be very active at the moment.

  • develephant

    – November 07 2010

    @doctor_regtools: thanks for the nice comments. The CL widget certainly pushes the chumby so a common Chumbylander solution is to put two Chumbyland widgets back to back in your channel. You could also put in a Chumbyland Game Player widget and Chumbyland Sights widget in between your CL widgets, and then when a CL widget goes down, it picks right back up on the next one. Hope that helps. Be sure to check the forum as well. Cheers.

  • doctor_regtools

    – November 07 2010

    Slowly getting the hang of this now - it's getting quite addictive! I do find it freezes quite regularly though, and I have to move to another app and back again to get it going again. Does anybody else get this?

  • develephant

    – October 11 2010

    @doctor_regtools: be sure to check out http://www.mychumbyland.com/help for the community built manual -- @cycadia: send your Chumbyland name to support(at)mychumbyland(dot)com and I will take a look at the issue. Cheers.

  • doctor_regtools

    – October 11 2010

    Works for me! Although admittedly I still need to work out what I'm supposed to do with it!

  • cycadia

    – October 11 2010

    Why isn't Chumbyland working any longer? I have this weird feeling that it's just me...

  • LadyStrawberriez

    – September 05 2010

    I can't seem to customize the colors of my chum anymore.. -Hannahby

  • Honey66

    – August 25 2010

    Hi, I am not able to enter chumbyland anymore. Not on the internet and not on my chumby. The random chumbyland pic shows up - then nothing more happens. Please help. Best regards P. Goudefroy

  • develephant

    – March 07 2010

    You should be able to start an account now. Sorry about that. Cheers.

  • saraanne

    – March 07 2010

    Same problem. Can't choose a chum.

  • sukarita

    – March 07 2010

    when i choose my avatar it just show to me the screen "choose your chumb" again & again HEEEEEEEELP!!!!

  • ekiyoi

    – March 06 2010

    when it say choos your i choose the panda guy and just resets someone help

  • Phiolin

    – January 05 2010

    While taking some time to learn at first, it's easily one of the most enjoyable and fun widgets out there. Every Chumby owner should really give this a try.

  • Neodymia

    – July 25 2009

    It's worth buying a Chumby just for Chumbyland alone!

  • widiver

    – July 14 2009

    This widget keeps getting better and better, Thanks

  • zbabin

    – June 18 2009

    By far - The best chumby widget ever.

  • birthdayprincess

    – May 14 2009

    There are people in my Chumby! The treasure hunting got me hooked on the Chumbyland widget but along the way I have bumped into many friendly people ready to play games, talk, and be as helpful as possible. Be prepared for social interaction and open ended exploration with this widget. It will make your Chumby a whole lot bigger than it was before.

  • tadarf

    – May 07 2009

    This is the best widget out there for the chumby, without a doubt. The chumby is a great device and chumbyland pushes the chumby into another realm. So much care has gone into this widget, I don't think I'll ever get bored with it. You can interact with people all over the world, play games, collect cute little items, and do much more. It is way too much fun. Give it a shot, ask others for help, the community is great and everyone is helpful and kind.

  • Darkbee

    – April 07 2009

    Takes a little bit of getting used to, but once you figure it all out this ridiculously simple cross between Second Life and traditional role-playing games become ridiculously addictive! A lot of fun and a great way to meet fellow Chumby users out there. Hats off to the developer on creating a must-have widget!

  • mrroboto

    – March 23 2009

    @cuter, just go to mychumbyland.com/tool, put in you web code (found by tapping the gear in the upper corner) and click on change chum icon. Hope this helps -bob (in chumbyland)

  • develephant

    – February 27 2009

    It probably seems insane, but yes I did develop this on my own. A good majority of the ideas came from the community though. It's come a long way from 5 months ago. Thank you to everyone out there in Chumbyland, it's been a blast! :)

  • GazRendar

    – February 27 2009

    Seriously, did you develop and write this entire widget? That's very impressive depth that actually ties in some fun while bringing the Chumby community together. Awesome work, man, awesome work.

  • cuter

    – February 26 2009

    i tapped on the wrong choice and i have a girl picture representing me. is there any way to change it?

  • adrian.bloomer

    – February 21 2009

    It would be fun to go through being a new chumbyland person again.

  • geekforhire

    – February 17 2009

    Very cool 'game'. You owe it to yourself to invest a few minutes of time to get sucked into it. Initially I thought it was not for me...but then I played with it for what ended up being hours. Very entertaining and a very nice piece of work. Well done Develephant. -- Chumble Bumble

  • develephant

    – February 09 2009

    zbabin - There was a major functionality update that had caused some problems, but was adjusted just last night back to stability. You can always keep an eye on the development status as www.mychumbyland.com as the widget is always changing and being updated. Try again, I hope you enjoy it, many others seem to. :) Cheers.

  • zbabin

    – February 08 2009

    I really like this game however it has a poor stability. Leaving the game open for a night makes it crush. you guys should check for memory leeks and bugs.

  • skippy

    – February 05 2009

    This is what happens when a creative yet unemployed programmer has too much time on his hands. Bravo!

  • ChumbyDammit

    – January 07 2009

    OK, I'm a chumbyland addict. And I like the chumbyland photo feature. Sort of weird and hilarious at the same time. Relaxing, fun, frustrating...just like golf is reported to be. Favorite feature: DNA hijacking. Look, Ma, I'm a hunk o' cheese!

  • skuzmich

    – December 02 2008

    Develephant, Chumbyland is amazing, I've been using since the first release. It has come a long way since then and every day Chumbyland gets better and better. I can't wait to see what's next. Thank you for creating this awesome widget/world!

  • footer

    – November 26 2008

    Love the train Black hole "amateur astrophysicist"

  • servalan

    – November 22 2008

    This household is loving watching our chumby tripping around the chumbyverse interacting with other chumbys - fantastic widget! Thank you so much for the considerable effort put into keeping our streaming radio even more entertaining!

  • mrroboto

    – November 22 2008

    Chumbyland is my favorie widget yet, i'm constantly checking my chumby to see what is up with my little guy. also, check out the chumbyland forums at www.mychumbyland.com

  • joeyjoejoe

    – November 08 2008

    Love this widget, its my favorite. Never played anything quite like it. Its always fun to meet fellow chumbians I could suggest though, somehow add weather info too. So like at your Home in real life its raining, in your Chumbylands Home its also raining (based on weather localization via the Weather channels feed from weather.com or something similar) and also day & nighttime reflected in your chumbyland home.

  • Miiu

    – November 03 2008

    Enjoying so this widget! I look forward to the many changes possible in future. Develephant, thanks for keeping it just plain FUN.

  • develephant

    – October 31 2008

    @SilverMarc - This will be addressed in version 2, but for the time being you need to have at least one other widget running. The best refresh time is about 5-10 minutes max. Thanks for the comments.

  • SilverMarc

    – October 30 2008

    I must admit, when this widget shows up on my channel I'm always happily compelled to interact with it to see what's going on with my "Chum." I've noted, however, that if one "sticks" on the widget or sets it to permanent, the actions of traveling or returning seem to cease, so one has to either reload the channel or, as a workaround, set two Chumbyland Widgets as the only widgets on a channel so they're "forced" to reload regularly. Perhaps this could be looked into by the develephant team. --Marc

  • Fothman

    – October 29 2008

    I would not have thought I would get to the point of looking forward to see what my chum has been up to! This is already very cool... and I can tell it is only getting better! I can't wait to see what Develephant has up his sleeve next!

  • develephant

    – October 20 2008

    @ksgarvin - send your Chumbyland name to chumby at develephant dot com

  • ksgarvin

    – October 19 2008

    Oops! I created an item for Chumbyland but the background isn't transparent. Is there a way I can fix it and re-upload the artwork so it looks nicer?

  • develephant

    – October 15 2008

    @adrian.bloomer - You can view a whole guide here http://forum.chumby.com/viewtopic.php?id=3030, but you need to have a Chum on your My Chums list, or wherever you see a send mail button.

  • adrian.bloomer

    – October 15 2008

    how do you send mail?

  • Flamingo

    – October 14 2008

    Very Fun!

  • slewis7

    – October 07 2008


  • fisk87

    – October 06 2008

    Awsome. Thank you

  • fisk87

    – October 06 2008

    Hi! Excellent widget! But I'd like to be able to change the name of my Chum. When I joined Chumbyland the name of my chumby was just the default "Chumby", and now I cant change it. Or can I?

  • develephant

    – October 01 2008

    Version 1.6 adds some simple customization. Thanks for the comments.

  • MaxSMoke

    – September 29 2008

    Please add: #1. The ability to change what your Chummy says when he's clicked on. #2. The ability to enter in a URL to a properly formatted JPEG so you can change the background of your house for visitors to see. #3. The ability to make gifts, either using the setup interface on this website, or on the Chumby itself by selecting a ICON picture and adding some text to name and describe it. #4. Time and Date display. Thank you very much for your work on this intriguing application!

  • develephant

    – September 23 2008

    Thank you everyone for all the comments. You can find more information on the forums here http://forum.chumby.com/viewtopic.php?id=3030

  • gnjack

    – September 22 2008

    I'm sure you are already thinking of these, but here is a list of possible additions: #Your chum is named after your user name (but would therefore limit to 1 chum per user) #Your 'home' is named after your chumby #You can see people that are passing thru your chumby/home #You can choose to view your chumby/home or the chumby in which your chum is currently travelling thru #You collect items which are visible in your home/chumby or on your chum #More stats: levels/exp, distance travelled etc

  • gnjack

    – September 22 2008

    The widget needs to automatically update your chum's status - if you have the widget pinned, your chum will remain doing the same thing forever, you shouldn't need to manually reload the widget to update the status of your chum.

  • MaxSMoke

    – September 22 2008

    Please enhance your description here with some details on how to USE the game. It's not very clear. There's no information on how to change what your character says when you tap him, or how to find things.

  • alecarmbruster

    – September 22 2008

    I'm confused on how to use it. I go to pack and he does nothing. Maybe some better instructions?

  • ricmib

    – September 21 2008

    Hi cbreeze. Just stumbled across "Chumbyland" - thanks for a great implementation of my original idea. You've really captured the essence of what I was thinking. I hope everyone in the chumby-sphere takes a look and helps develop this concept further. Cool - ricmib

  • sevc

    – September 19 2008

    I'm a tad bit confused. I told my guy to take a short trip, and he's been packing for quite a while. also, these symbols keep appearing above his head. what are they? is that the only thing it does for now?

  • LizT

    – September 19 2008

    this is really cool.

  • alecarmbruster

    – September 19 2008

    Awesome, just awesome. I'm looking forwards to your next stuff, Develephant. You might just make the Chumby Widget world rock.

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