PARIS Real Time Traffic
by Patrice (community developer)popularity rank: 13
description: Real-Time Traffic information for street traffic conditions within the City of Paris (France)
Click the widget to enable audio if the widget uses it. Note that modern browser security may prevent the widget from loading content from other web sites, however the widget should be able to load properly on the chumby devices. These previews are possible through the use of Ruffle ‐ note that Ruffle is still a work in progress, and not all Flash features are implemented, so some widgets may not perform optimally.
Blue Octy LLC is providing these community-developed apps as a courtesy and makes no representations regarding the apps or any information related to them. Any questions, complaints or claims regarding the apps should be directed to the appropriate author
– May 30 2008
I find an URL : where we could find easly information in real time ( Perhaps that could help you.
– April 26 2008
jcornaglia : At this time it seems to be imposible to make a RATP/RER time schedule, working on Chumby.
– April 24 2008
Thanks, merci... it's very good widget.. May you could see if it's possible to do an other widget with RATP/RER time shedule ? Thanks again
– March 14 2008
Yaesumofo, Il y a beaucoup de French chumby les utilisateurs. Je crois que c'est une idée stupéfiante.
– March 12 2008
I would suggest that given the recent rash of French language widgets that have cropped up recently that there are more Chumby users in France than you realise...
– March 12 2008
Yaesumofo, this widget is made by a French user. So, I think they have every right to create and distribute widgets useful to themselves.
– March 11 2008
While Cool I would rather see a Domestic say Los Angeles, traffic widget. I doubt there are any/many Chumby users in France since the unit is not sold there yet. Why not focus your efforts on Widgets which are actually useful to Chumby users? Yaesumofo
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