by Ihmehlmenn (community developer)popularity rank: 9
description: Displays polls and results from [[|Ask500People]] -- Usage: Tap answer once to select and tap it again to vote.
Click the widget to enable audio if the widget uses it. Note that modern browser security may prevent the widget from loading content from other web sites, however the widget should be able to load properly on the chumby devices. These previews are possible through the use of Ruffle ‐ note that Ruffle is still a work in progress, and not all Flash features are implemented, so some widgets may not perform optimally.
Blue Octy LLC is providing these community-developed apps as a courtesy and makes no representations regarding the apps or any information related to them. Any questions, complaints or claims regarding the apps should be directed to the appropriate author
– June 13 2011
@nasrotaG - which chumby device do you own? This app is working fine on one of our chumby ones. - chumby support
– June 13 2011
This app isn't showing up in my Chumby device.
Night Magic
– December 04 2010
Icon does not show up on my "Features" list :-(
– November 16 2010
Works fine for me
– November 13 2010
This widget doesn't seem to work anymore.
– May 05 2010
Thanks for your comment! I finally got some time to answer. I dont really know what causes your problems. The ID of the last poll is saved on the chumby server so that the widget can display the results of the last displayed poll while there is no new poll. Anyway I will try to look into this problem. --- Regarding voting for several polls: That is rather hard to do. The API only gives you the current poll, when you dont specify a number. If you've already voted for that current poll, then you get null. I could try to move forward and backwards through all the polls by guessing numbers, but thats a rather dirty hack in my eyes cause there are also private polls which are inaccessable. --- Okay enough bad news :D. I will still try to improve it in the next weeks.
– April 28 2010
nice work! I really like this and think it has lots of potential however it very frequently displays "Could not load the results for the current poll." The problematic api request seems to be: --- --- Would also be enjoyable if once a vote is cast and the results displayed, another active question could then be made available.
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