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by Le Tartar (community developer)
last update on: 06/22/2014
popularity rank: 9
average rating:
  • Currently 4 Stars
(166 ratings)

description: TicTacToe for chumby (Source code from www.neave.com/games/)

preview of 'TicTacToe' app

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Blue Octy LLC is providing these community-developed apps as a courtesy and makes no representations regarding the apps or any information related to them. Any questions, complaints or claims regarding the apps should be directed to the appropriate author


  • doctor_regtools

    – January 31 2010

    Very nicely done. One minor thing, is that when you are playing the two player game, the display still records the scores as computer vs player.

  • Beau.Turner

    – August 21 2008

    Overall simple and fun! I got to play this with my son the other night for about an hour of just before bed fun. A couple suggestions: 1. Rename computer vs. player to chumby vs. player :) 2. Rename stats name of computer to chumby 3. We kept getting mixed up on who goes next when doing 2 players (we were trying to keep score as we played using the built-in stats). After each round it seems like the x or o got shifted/alternated. Maybe just a button in the beginning to take you to the "rules" would make it easier for users to grasp. other option may be to highlight whos turn it is (maybe even let you choose your name instead of player 1 or player 2 or just identify you as X or O. Keep up the great work!

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