Periodic Dable 2
by adorman (community developer)popularity rank: 14
description: Okay. I wasn't especially happy with my last submission. I decided I had travelled too far from the periodic table charts we all saw on our classroom walls. So I have reverted to a much more traditional style for this version. The date occupies the space for the atomic number of a particular element. So on the 13th it occupies the space for Aluminium. Who knows? It could even be educational. EDIT: Now with "Element of the day"
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– November 06 2009
MaxSMoke, that Mo is for Monday. It swaps in the day for the element that otherwise occupies that slot. So it swaps in Monday November 2, 2009 for Helium :)
– November 02 2009
Can you list the name of the element show? It's the 2nd, and I don't know what "Mo" is. Also I was under the impression that the atomic weight of 2 was Helium, which should be He.
– October 12 2009
Hm, i thought it will have another picture depending on the Element: (MO)nday: (TuE)sday: (W)ednesday: (TH)ursday: (FR)iday: (SatuR)day: (SuN)day: Maybe you could do that?
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