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Load Image from URL

by jvcleave (community developer)
last update on: 03/28/2017
popularity rank: 6
average rating:
  • Currently 4 Stars
(109 ratings)

description: Loads single jpg, gif or png from given URL.

preview of 'Load Image from URL' app

Click the widget to enable audio if the widget uses it. Note that modern browser security may prevent the widget from loading content from other web sites, however the widget should be able to load properly on the chumby devices. These previews are possible through the use of Ruffle ‐ note that Ruffle is still a work in progress, and not all Flash features are implemented, so some widgets may not perform optimally.

Blue Octy LLC is providing these community-developed apps as a courtesy and makes no representations regarding the apps or any information related to them. Any questions, complaints or claims regarding the apps should be directed to the appropriate author


  • jlgandy2-chumby

    – July 08 2012

    Never mind I posted too soon. My chumby works meaning shows correct location just the virtual chumby does not.

  • jlgandy2-chumby

    – July 08 2012

    any way to send parameters with the url? I would like to use this app to show my weather station info here is the link I am trying to get to work below. It opens but to the default location as the parameters are not passed properly. http://www.wunderground.com/swf/Rapid_Fire.swf?units=english&station=KTXRICHM14

  • simontims

    – August 10 2010

    Excellent - if only we could spec an AREA of an image. For example, set the URL and the top-left co-ords of a rectangular area, and also set the width and height of the rectangle - then have the Chumby display the rectangular area specified. Many images I'm displaying are too big to show nicely on the Chumby screen, and the area I'm interested in would fit nicely!

  • Plug Nickel

    – September 29 2008

    Hello, I asked a question in the forum under widgets...it seems that although my cmaera shows up fine and works under the dashboard, all I get is a white screen on my chumby. Any ideas?

  • brendanjcrlsn

    – August 19 2008

    Can You Provide A Link to The FLV of This I'd like to make A widget similar to It But I need the Flv For the Source Code

  • ccolumbu

    – August 14 2008

    It is great to see my idea helping so many people and special thanks to jvcleave for creating the widget which I could not. It looks like the community is expanding the idea a lot! That is GREAT, I hope everyone enjoys Chumby even more and will continue supporting it.

  • nickovs

    – August 05 2008

    This is an excellent widget. Just what I was looking for! The only thing that would make it better would be if the time between refreshes could be configured.

  • obhchum

    – July 26 2008

    Since I applied the July 24 firmware upgrade the .png images have become even more difficult to view. Something about how large images and scaled down. Does anyone else see this problem? Try this as a sample: http://www.pust.it/eth0-month.png

  • Cartmanland

    – July 05 2008

    whats the "prevent caching" for exactly?

  • Grummond

    – June 08 2008

    Best Webcam widget by far, fantastic job!

  • obhchum

    – May 26 2008

    Has anyone else tried displaying .png graphs from the MRTG network monitoring software with this widget? When I configure to do this the graph is "doubled" making it difficult to view. Otherwise, this is a great widget. Here is an example file that shows the problem: http://www.pust.it/eth0-month.png

  • grey3000

    – May 25 2008

    Hate to double post, but is there anyway to add a small text title like to the top left corner or anything through the config? I'd like to label the cam like "fishtank" or "halfdome" etc.

  • grey3000

    – May 25 2008

    This is probably my most favorite widget, I've got my fish tank, my favorite hiking places ( that have webcams ), volcanos. the uses are endless! :)

  • AlanM

    – May 16 2008

    In trying to use this widget, I discovered that the URLs for most of the images I'd like (such as "photo of the day") change from day to day. I went through about 10 sites, but the URL of the main image was dynamic for each. So I can't use the widget as-is. So it would be nice for the widget to be able to display the largest image on a web page. I realize that this is much more difficult to program.

  • jvcleave

    – April 28 2008

    alexholy, it still works. email me at jvcleave@gmail.com if you are having problems or post support questions in the forum and I may be able to see what is going wrong

  • renefhenke

    – April 11 2008

    Hi, first off....thank you! I was waiting for that a long time... One question: I would like to use this widget to check security cam's in my office, but they use authentication. I tried the standard way e.g. user:password@ste.com/pic.jpg but that isn't working... any chance you could get this to work ? I'm willing to help e.g. provide a cam to try and even donate some paypal cash!!!

  • jvcleave

    – March 21 2008

    Mikkel (or anyone else interested), I have a version I personally use that does reloads every second (not configurable yet). If you would like to beta test it add "jvcleave" to your chum list and email me at jvcleave@gmail.com and I will forward it to you.

  • Mikkel

    – March 20 2008

    Is it possible to make the widget reload the image with a user configurable interval?

  • HuckFinnWork

    – March 12 2008

    I have several instances of this widget loaded on my Chumby - thanks for this widget. I do have one request though, could you change the default color to something darker? I am not sure if this is your widget or just the way the widgets are handled, but as the image loads the screen flashes white. This can be very annoying in the early morning just after the Chumby wakes up. Anything dark would be fine with me - black, dark blue, dark grey, etc. Thanks again for this great widget.

  • rleyba

    – February 18 2008

    Hi there! Your widget may very well be the killer app in my chumby but the most important web cams I need just show up as a red blank screeen. I saw your comment above in an earlier post, but perhaps there is hope?? Sample webcam I need is this: http://www.rta.nsw.gov.au/trafficreports/cameras/camera_images/harbourbridge.jpg Thanks very much!

  • nzenergy

    – February 04 2008

    this is great, I added two load image from URL to my channel to switch between the two cameras at http://mauiwindcam.com It works perfectly.

  • mmaslen

    – January 29 2008

    all I get is a red chumby screen when I put in a valid URL?? any ideas?

  • jvcleave

    – January 25 2008

    The swf loading is kinda a hidden feature as most of them not work correctly. Animated gifs are not supported in Flash 8/Flash lite so thats just not currently possible. The first frame of an animated gif should load and display though.

  • McConnell

    – January 25 2008

    You have doubled the intrinsic value of my chumby. Many thanks!

  • hlcno

    – January 25 2008

    This works with swf too!

  • hlcno

    – January 24 2008

    this is sweet, anyway for it to support animated gifs? that would be awesome.

  • ccolumbu

    – January 20 2008

    Thank you for creating the widget we designed in the Forums. I can't encourage this kind of collaboration enough; it is what makes open source great.

  • anthony

    – January 19 2008

    works awesome...I use it to finally get nexrad weather displayed from the weather.com site. Can do it for nation or any area..works perfect. Thanks for putting it up!

  • dcjohn

    – January 18 2008

    thanks so much for creating this widget!

  • jmiller29

    – January 17 2008

    Awesome all purpose image displayer. Use for anything like weather images, webcams, etc.. Makes chumby more useful.

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