Wikipedia's Featured Article
by chumby (chumby industries)popularity rank: 3
description: Check out the latest featured article from Wikipedia.
Click the widget to enable audio if the widget uses it. Note that modern browser security may prevent the widget from loading content from other web sites, however the widget should be able to load properly on the chumby devices. These previews are possible through the use of Ruffle ‐ note that Ruffle is still a work in progress, and not all Flash features are implemented, so some widgets may not perform optimally.
– April 22 2017
Doesn't work - displays Ringo Starr for ever
– July 17 2012
Please fix. I miss this one.
– June 03 2012
It's June 2nd, but it's still showing "April 26 - Richard Hakluyt".
– August 04 2011
Excellent! It's working again. Thanks!!!
– August 03 2011
@terrencegf - thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will submit a bug for this and will be addresses as soon as possible. -chumby support
– August 02 2011
I have been getting "Network error." for a couple weeks now.
– June 07 2011
All this app was updated on 03/31/2011 and does feed current information. If your app is not doing this contact us at support. ( -chumby support
– February 15 2011
Still no update since Jan 21 :( Maybe this app should be removed if it's not going to be fixed?
– February 07 2011
It does not show the latest of wikipedia pages. It shows from jan2 to jan21. Needs to be fixed.
– January 30 2011
I'm seeing no updates since January 21. Please fix!
– January 24 2011
Awesome! It would be really, really nice if we could chose the language.
– January 18 2011
Seems to have stopped working as of January 3, 2011. It's been showing the same article every day since then.
– August 24 2010
Nice app, although I find scrolling the article with my finger very difficult. It's rather unresponsive. I know the chumby isn't the most powerful computer on the market but I would think it ought to be able to handle this more smoothly?
– August 18 2010
Well this is a preety cool app.I like it!
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