Apps by Freman
(community developer)The latest Queensland News from The Courier-Mail. Touch the screen to pause scrolling for 5 seconds, drag the screen to scroll to where you want Note: The extra line of text at the bottom of the pictures does line up on the chumby, just not in the preview.
created: 12/27/2008 average rating: -
Regional Weather Radar
(community developer)Display the weather (rainfall) radar for your corner of Australia
created: 01/10/2009 average rating: -
Scenic Route
(community developer)You've got 30 seconds to travel from the starting red square to the black X, taking the longest route you can find - If you make it to the X before the time is up you get 1 bonus point per second left on the clock. If you squish the critters points will be deducted (3 points for a roo, 2 points for a koala, and 2 points for an echidna). You can still complete the level even if the clock runs out - you just miss out on the bonus points, but that's part of the strategy you might get more points on the board by spending less points on the clock. Don't worry, if you get distracted by the kids, you can come back to it later, Scenic Route remembers what level you were on even after Chumby cycles widgets. Make your way through all 10 levels and see if you can beet my personal best score of 600
created: 01/01/2009 average rating: