Regional Weather Radar
by Freman (community developer)popularity rank: 2
description: Display the weather (rainfall) radar for your corner of Australia
Click the widget to enable audio if the widget uses it. Note that modern browser security may prevent the widget from loading content from other web sites, however the widget should be able to load properly on the chumby devices. These previews are possible through the use of Ruffle ‐ note that Ruffle is still a work in progress, and not all Flash features are implemented, so some widgets may not perform optimally.
Blue Octy LLC is providing these community-developed apps as a courtesy and makes no representations regarding the apps or any information related to them. Any questions, complaints or claims regarding the apps should be directed to the appropriate author
– July 26 2010
can't select radar for Melbourne??
– June 15 2010
Can't Set the region currently
– January 22 2010
Actually, looks like an internal issue at yahoo pipes, I'm looking at it
– January 22 2010
Typical - just when Cyclone Olga is approaching Cairns this morning and this would be most useful, BOM obviously do something to break the widget and it stops working.
– December 02 2009
Thank you thank you thank you!!!
– November 30 2009
All that was broken should now be fixed, I retooled the yahoo pipes - they should be faster, leaner, meaner and as a bonus they show more radar options now (rainfall for last x hours) where it's available
– November 29 2009
Why can't we get Hobart?
– October 26 2009
Hi - BOM definately changing things. I've checked everything out, and the following areas have currently got selection problems: Cairns (the one I want!!!), Gympie, Melbourne, Newcastle, Perth, Weipa, Wyndham and Wyndham WA. Dare I ask, have you thought of contacting BOM and seeing if they'll give you a standard interface? As a not-for-profit user republishing their publically available data to interested parties, there really shouldn't be an issue so long as you credit them somewhere?
– October 21 2009
There guys, I've got it back up and running - BOM changed their pages enough to break my pipes.
– October 18 2009
Accidently deleted my (working) channel (thanks Chumby) and when re-creating discovered this is still broken (can't select region)!! Please fix - was very very useful, especially in Tropical Queensland during the wet season
– October 06 2009
Thanks for letting me know guys - I'll have to hunt around and see if the source survived a hard disk crash (should have it somewhere) - failing that it's probably a feed issue, I'll fix it asap.
– October 02 2009
I second the previous comment, the area selection has been broken for a while now and I've been waiting patiently and silently for it to be fixed.
– September 30 2009
Just pointing out that the widget configuration is currently broken. The region selection dropdown doesn't populate with the list as it used to. Looking forward to seeing this great widget working properly again.
– May 01 2009
Nice work, thanks! As a keen boater is there any chance you'd consider creating a Bay Winds widget? (see
– February 22 2009
Awesome update. I was totally wrong as to where my city was on the regional map. Thanks!
– February 19 2009
There you go, I've updated it to show the observation data posts (later I might actually add the obvservation data it's self)
– February 18 2009
Sorry folks, broke it today adding more information to the data feed - I'll sort it out when I get home tonight - hopefully we'll have a version that supports observations soon.
– February 08 2009
Any chance of displaying cities/major town locations. The radar works really well, but it's hard to tell where the rain is relative to the city.
– January 16 2009
Love it love it love it. When I first got my Chumby from the US the Aus BOM rain radar was one of the widgets I longed for - thanks so much!
– January 14 2009
Nice work!
– January 13 2009
The description fails to mention that this is only for Australia. I'd like to see something like this for other areas as well.
– January 12 2009
Would be cool to see this work for United States!
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