Apps by wayn3w
Accelerometer Strip Recorder
(community developer)This tool allows you to see real-time graphs of the Chumby's accelerometer. The accelerometer values are explained [[|here]]. Tap the screen to switch to other graphs.
created: 11/04/2010 average rating: -
Chumbyland Tweet Assist
(community developer)This is a companion widget to the wonderful game, [[ | Chumbyland]]. If you'd like to let other Chumbyland players know what music you're listening to now on your Chumby, this will update your in-game 'tweet' to report the song and station. Your Chumbyland tweet controls the operation of the widget. Just drop this widget in, and start your tweet with 'Listening to', 'L2:', 'Now Playing' or 'NP:' to have this widget report what you are listening to. All other Chumbyland tweets will be left alone.
created: 09/20/2010 average rating: -
Doom Server Monitor
(community developer)See who is on your favorite Doom 3 Server what map and game type they are playing. Enter the IP address of the server at Configuration time.
created: 03/22/2008 average rating: -
Now Playing
(community developer)Displays the name of the current selection playing from Chumby Music Sources. Note that titles of MP3 files from My Music Files are not published by the control panel, so they won't be displayed. Airline Tele-Dial Radio photograph courtesy of Kevin Trotman under a Creative Commons License
created: 04/01/2008 average rating: -
Portal Radio
(community developer)A tribute to the game of Portal.
created: 02/24/2008 average rating: