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Doom Server Monitor

by wayn3w (community developer)
last update on: 06/22/2014
popularity rank: 91
average rating:
  • Currently 3 Stars
(7 ratings)

description: See who is on your favorite Doom 3 Server what map and game type they are playing. Enter the IP address of the server at Configuration time.

preview of 'Doom Server Monitor' app

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Blue Octy LLC is providing these community-developed apps as a courtesy and makes no representations regarding the apps or any information related to them. Any questions, complaints or claims regarding the apps should be directed to the appropriate author


  • wayn3w

    – April 02 2008

    The back-end used for querying the server stats (qstats) has support for other multiplayer games, predominantly Id Software games. The work would be mostly in the GUI, in trying to choose from the raw data what makes sense to put on the screen. If you have a recommendation for support for a specific game, plz request it in the Widgets forums.

  • velkrosmaak

    – April 01 2008

    How easy would this script be to configure for use with other gaming servers? it looks sweet, but would be even sweeter if non-doom players could use it...

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