Facebook Status
by chumby (chumby industries)popularity rank: 4
description: View and comment on your friends' status messages, and update your own Facebook status.
Click the widget to enable audio if the widget uses it. Note that modern browser security may prevent the widget from loading content from other web sites, however the widget should be able to load properly on the chumby devices. These previews are possible through the use of Ruffle ‐ note that Ruffle is still a work in progress, and not all Flash features are implemented, so some widgets may not perform optimally.
Humberto Chalate
– January 09 2012
Es una aplicación interesante.
– March 30 2011
what a beautiful day
– March 06 2011
you need to be able to view the statuses of specific lists, instead of the entire news feed
– February 11 2011
make the comment window bigger!
– January 18 2011
Can't do much On this App!
– December 28 2010
How do I connect my device to FB>
– December 27 2010
How do I access the "links" on Facebook?
– December 27 2010
how do I sign in to my facebook from my chumby
– December 25 2010
– December 11 2010
Any possibility for a additional page to the virtual keyboar? This page would be for special characters for example letters used in scandinavia letters ä, ö etc.
– August 20 2010
whiteryder, this should be working again.
– August 16 2010
We're aware of this -- a fix will be out shortly.
– August 16 2010
Since the most recent Dash update, suddenly the status messages no longer have a Comment or Like button. Any idea what's wrong? I miss being able to "Like" someone's status with just a button press!
– July 26 2010
Ok, it seems like I just had to wait. The "customize" link now offer to authorize the widget and such with Facebook. Sorry for the noise, perhaps it was just a transient problem.
– July 22 2010
I must be completely daft ... where do I configure the account information for this app, and other Facebook apps (Photos, Newsfeed, etc) ?
– November 06 2009
@chumbone this is fixed
– October 23 2009
BUG REPORT: Whenever a facebook status contains a less than or a greater than sign, the widget will display either a blank status or a partial status.
– June 21 2009
This is a very good widget and an improvement over the "other" Facebook widget. But there is room for improvement here as well. For example, adding an adjustable time to switch status messages would prevent the same message from being displayed for too long. Other than that, very nice.
– June 09 2009
Can you add the friends list as in the other facebook widget. Apart from that this is much better than the other one because you can reply to stuff too.
– June 09 2009
It's really nice to have status messages as big as they are in this widget. I wish the Twitter widget was like this one.
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