Unbrick your Sony dash! Details here.
Info on how to install chumby onto your Sony dash here.


by shoozhoo (community developer)
last update on: 05/30/2021
popularity rank: 2
average rating:
  • Currently 4 Stars
(139 ratings)

description: Loads single jpg, gif or png from given URL. LongTouch is zoom in. ShortTouch is zoom out. Slide is reload. Please look at [http://d.hatena.ne.jp/shoozhoo/20081105#p2] when using it with URL that authenticate.

preview of 'ImageURL' app

Click the widget to enable audio if the widget uses it. Note that modern browser security may prevent the widget from loading content from other web sites, however the widget should be able to load properly on the chumby devices. These previews are possible through the use of Ruffle ‐ note that Ruffle is still a work in progress, and not all Flash features are implemented, so some widgets may not perform optimally.

Blue Octy LLC is providing these community-developed apps as a courtesy and makes no representations regarding the apps or any information related to them. Any questions, complaints or claims regarding the apps should be directed to the appropriate author


  • madmadge

    – May 15 2019

    It worked on my Chumby Classic running 1.7.2 without any problems. I updated to 1.7.3 today, and now this app will not load any pages.

  • thchumby

    – March 03 2019

    What about pictures that display well in the browser and also in the preview on the chumby webpage but display a black screen on the real device ? I used all of the available URL-Pic apps with the same result (example: https://www.commerzbank-arena.de/media/webcam/-460x_cam1.jpg)

  • mikasaren

    – February 08 2013

    How about webcams that have incremental in the jpg name? Like: webcampicture1200.jpg (12:00) webcampicture1210.jpg (12:10) webcampicture1220.jpg (12:20) etc Any *easy* way around this?

  • mikasaren

    – February 08 2013

    How about webcams that have incremental in the jpg name? Like: webcampicture1200.jpg (12:00) webcampicture1210.jpg (12:10) webcampicture1220.jpg (12:20) etc Any *easy* way around this?

  • benlstevens

    – January 01 2012

    it appears this app is no longer supported by its developer. too bad, has lots of potential

  • geekdave

    – December 22 2011

    Strange, I get "load" > "load error" when I try to view on my Chumby One & Sony Dash for my 2 foscams on the same subnet. I've tried the external url and internal ip, with and without port, and nothing works. I can view the images via the browser on the pc through this site.

  • benlstevens2

    – December 14 2011

    geekdave: for foscam: url of

  • geekdave

    – December 12 2011

    benlstevens2: how do you get this to work with your Chumbys? I have a ChumbyOne that I'd like to setup to see my Foscam ip camera on the same network.

  • benlstevens2

    – December 09 2011

    I'm unable to get this app to work on a Chumby 8. It works on my other chumbys on the same network. (foscam cameras)

  • benlstevens

    – August 03 2011

    clock or time overlay option would be nice

  • Darkdesk

    – July 25 2011

    ImageURL displays a very bright white 1-pixel border around the image. It is subtle in bright light, but distractingly bright at night. Is there a way to turn that border off?

  • chumzter

    – July 18 2011

    @ehertz - I tried to duplicate your issue here and was not able to. The scenario you decribed worked fine for me. To further assist you in troubleshooting your issue please come see us in support (http://www.chumby.com/pages/help_support). -chumby support

  • ehertz

    – July 16 2011

    The image part of this app is great. However, I found that when it is included in any channel, if an alarm is supposed to go off, the audio stream I try to activate at the beginning of the alarm is disabled, even though the other widgets in the channel works fine.

  • SRamsdell

    – April 25 2011

    I've had this app on my Chumby for use with a FOSCAM Ip camera F18918W [web firmware] for months. Although it will show correctly in my chumby dashboard through in a browswer [on Firefox / MAC], I can get nothing on the actually Chumby but a load error. I've tried this exact setup with both LAN [192.xxx.xx.xx:port#] and WAN [174.xx.xx.xx:port#] network addresses and no go ... Shady_ September 7, 2010 I can confirm this widget is working on the Infocast with a Foscam FI8908W using http://camera's.IP.address/snapshot.cgi?USER=youruser&PWD=yourpwd Anyone have a suggestion ?

  • johnboy0000

    – April 06 2011

    shoozhoo, great app! Is it possible to have the imageURL icon updated to be the last image loaded? That would be awesome! If that's not possible, can the app name be shown in the icon somehow? That would be a great alternative. Thanks...

  • BigJim40

    – February 10 2011

    Is there a way to change the icon to have a new title? I would like the app for more than one thing. I put a title in the customize screen, but it doesn't do any good.

  • sliss

    – January 12 2011

    I tried this url: [http://www.cacherstats.com/cgi-bin/GeocacherLocations.pl?Image=2&CacherName=nickgatt&] This cgi returns an image. It works in my browser. Thanks!

  • Plug Nickel

    – November 23 2010

    Hello shoozhoo, I really like this widget, it’s very good…but due to my internet connection sometimes failing, I’d like to run it locally offline. Could you please allow me to download a .swf file that I can use and configure for offline use? This would be very useful to me and much appreciated. Thank you

  • Plank

    – November 12 2010

    Can you add an option to type some unobtrusive text on the screen? This would be useful for putting a title on a webcam.

  • shoozhoo

    – September 15 2010

    > jgginer Your JPEG file is MontionJPEG. Chumby does not support MotionJPEG,maybe.

  • jgginer

    – September 15 2010

    Hi there I'd tried to configure the app with the webcam, that works with a web browser but my chumby always shows a load error... :( Some help will be much appreciated

  • Shady_

    – September 07 2010

    I can confirm this widget is working on the Infocast with a Foscam FI8908W using http://camera's.IP.address/snapshot.cgi?USER=youruser&PWD=yourpwd

  • Plank

    – August 15 2010

    This widget worked when the other two would sometime freeze the Chumby. 5 stars!

  • Plug Nickel

    – May 02 2010

    Oh...you should be able to test your URL in a web browser to see if it works; it should give you a snapshot image if the URL is correct for the camera. If you can't browse to your camera snapshot in a browser window, then there is a problem with the URL. If it works there, it should work on your Chumby as well.

  • Plug Nickel

    – May 02 2010

    Hello nickless, I don't know what model your Vivotek camera is, but the URL format that worked for me is: http://user:password@your_address.com:your_port/cgi-bin/video.jpg?size=5&quality=4 My video server is four channel, so I would use video1.jpg?, video2.jpg? and so forth. If yours is just a one camera server, try (as shown in the URL example)video.jpg? or perhaps video1.jpg? Hope this helps

  • shoozhoo

    – April 20 2010

    >nickless Sorry, I do not have more easy idea ... :,(

  • nickless

    – April 17 2010

    Thanks for the reply, but I don't know what to do with these instructions. How do I create a Proxy cgi on my chumby? I think I figured out that I have to create a file which includes my username and password named imgProxy.cgi according the one on your site. But how do I get it on my chumby? And what does "Line separator is LF. chmod +x." mean? Please some more help for a standard Chumby user without any knowledge on how to program this thing... :)

  • shoozhoo

    – April 16 2010

    >nickless try [http://d.hatena.ne.jp/shoozhoo/20081105#p2]

  • nickless

    – April 14 2010

    I'm trying to access my Vivotek IP Cam. http://192.168.x.xx/cgi-bin/viewer/video.jpg loads the snapshot image but I'm having trouble with authentication. Putting User:password@ into the URL doesn't seem to work, I only get a black screen and I don't know what to do with the instructions on your website. Any more detailed help how to authenticate with my username and password?

  • Honey66

    – April 14 2010

    Shoozhoo, ty for the quick response and the hints, I chose the latter :-)

  • shoozhoo

    – April 13 2010

    >Honey66 I am sorry, two or more images cannot be displayed together. Isn't this good? [http://wind.met.fu-berlin.de/loops/radar_de/R.NEW.gif], [http://www.mr-wetter.de/images/radar/radar-d-aktuell.jpg]

  • Honey66

    – April 12 2010

    Sorry [http://www.wetterspiegel.de/de/europa/deutschland/42.html]. This is the website I am talking about.

  • Honey66

    – April 12 2010

    Hi shoozhoo. It would be soooo nice to show the image of this website on my chumby. But looks as if it were three links needed to show the complete image. Can you help? Thank you in advance.

  • Plug Nickel

    – March 02 2010

    I agree...great widget. I was surprised that I didn't have to do anything to get basic authentication to work; just used a URL of http://user:passwword@[and the rest or the URL on my LAN] and it worked first time! Great job and thank you :-)

  • phfletch

    – February 27 2010

    This is a great widget. I have two babycams running on it now. Thanks! For those of you with Axis webcams, use the following URL construction: http://[cam IP address]/jpg/image.jpg and then set the image reload time in the widget to 1 second, or whatever you prefer. For example- one of my cameras is at (internal) IP address of so the URL I plugged into the widget is This works for the Axis 207w and Axis 207mw.

  • Foxy

    – February 27 2010

    thanks for the response, but I am not able to do programming

  • shoozhoo

    – February 26 2010

    >Foxy It is not URL of http. You must put the image on the http server. If you can do perl programming,please check the following pages. [ http://d.hatena.ne.jp/shoozhoo/20081223 ] (Translation:[ http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=ja&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fd.hatena.ne.jp%2Fshoozhoo%2F20081223&sl=ja&tl=en ])

  • Foxy

    – February 26 2010

    C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Pictures\FOR SALE items\HouseSalePics this would be one example thanks

  • shoozhoo

    – February 25 2010

    Show me your image URL.

  • Foxy

    – February 24 2010

    Can't get this to work. I am using url from my pictures. Please help

  • MartinN

    – February 09 2010

    Thanks a lot for this one. It is good. I wonder if it could be possible to add a text on the picture, which you could specify in the settings. Then it would be even better for webcams.

  • tazcorky

    – January 04 2010

    >shoozhoo Those worked perfectly. thank you so much! wish I knew how to do these things myself :-)

  • shoozhoo

    – January 04 2010

    >tazcorky Your URL is MontionJPEG. Chumby does not support MotionJPEG,maybe. Please set This URL! [], [] This is usual JPEG.

  • tazcorky

    – January 03 2010

    I can't seem to get this to work for me. I'm trying to load two webcams on my new chumby. Webcam#1 is at and the image location I put in the widget is . Webcam #2 is at http://www.schaffhausen.ch/pages/kamera.asp , and the image location for that one which I tried putting in the widget is . All I get is a black screen for both on the chumby. Any help to get these running would be great. thx.

  • shoozhoo

    – December 19 2009

    Thank you, ibap!

  • ibap@crystalsys.com

    – December 19 2009

    I was just commenting on how I was using it.

  • shoozhoo

    – December 19 2009

    I'm sorry. I do not understand what you want to do because I am not good at English. Could you write as much as possible in short, easy English?

  • ibap@crystalsys.com

    – December 19 2009

    I'm using this to display a regional weather radar image, taken from one of the regions here http://www.wunderground.com/radar/mosaic.asp - once you display the one you want, right click and choose "Copy image location", then use this URL for the image. I had a terrible time trying to capture some other weather radar images. They didn't work, I think, because on the PC they are relying on some cookie information to locate the radar region. The one above has all of it in the captured image location URL so it works. And it zooms, too. Rather than use an external list of URLs, I'd probably replicate the widget and set each one with the URL I wanted. I don't know if this would work with an animated map, because the URLs I tried for that don't have complete information in the URL I was able to see for them.

  • shoozhoo

    – December 12 2009

    Updated. Check new option.

  • markpublic

    – December 08 2009

    Useful widget! I've got it set up to load a jpg from my security webcam every 2 seconds. Is it possible to suppress the "Loading" text that appears every time it loads a new image?

  • JudgeMonkey

    – August 22 2009

    It would be nice to be able to specify a list of images, but since you can just add the widget over and over and specify different images, it works well enough. i just create a special "picture slideshow" channel and add the app over and over again to that. Simple is good.

  • shoozhoo

    – August 07 2009

    You're welcome!

  • jcraigmurphy

    – August 07 2009

    Its working fine now. Thanks for all the help!

  • shoozhoo

    – August 06 2009

    Chumby and PC is the same image(same time)? You can find purple infomation(top left) on Chumby and PC.

  • jcraigmurphy

    – August 06 2009

    The image looks fine on my browser. This is what I'm getting on my chumby: http://i380.photobucket.com/albums/oo249/jcraigmurphy/IMG00093.jpg

  • shoozhoo

    – August 06 2009

    >jcraigmurphy I saw the same image. It is original image problem. Look it on your browser.

  • shoozhoo

    – August 05 2009

    >jcraigmurphy It is displayed correctly on my chumby. [http://bluepix.ddo.jp:6080/~shoo/chumby/IMG_0684.JPG] What's the difference between mine and yours?

  • jcraigmurphy

    – August 04 2009

    The screen is mainly black but there are quite a few specks of color mixed in.

  • shoozhoo

    – August 04 2009

    >jcraigmurphy [but does not display correctly.] Can you tell me in detail?

  • jcraigmurphy

    – August 04 2009

    shoozhoo, thank you for the help. It works perfectly now. I hate to be a nuisance but can you help me with one more? This one is not a blank screen but does not display correctly: http://soggycam.soggydollar.com/webcam/camera0.jpg

  • shoozhoo

    – August 03 2009

    > jcraigmurphy Please set this Image URL. http://www.foxysbar.com/cam/__live.jpg

  • jcraigmurphy

    – August 03 2009

    I'm trying to use this widget to display an image from a webcam but only get a blank screen. The website is: http://www.foxysbar.com/cam/index.html Is it possible to use it with this widget? Thanks

  • shoozhoo

    – August 03 2009

    Please try this URL on your browser.(Add nochache parameter) ( http://mycamsip/snapshot.jpg?user=username&pwd=password&nocache=12345 ) Is this work? Does your username or password contain [ ,=,&,%,+](Needs URL encode) character?

  • kipper

    – August 02 2009

    how about some webcams that insert the user/pass into the url like the foscam kit eg: http://mycamsip/snapshot.jpg?user=username&pwd=password this currently doesn't work in this widget - any suggestions? (this DOES work in a browser however)

  • MSlafka

    – January 12 2009

    This widget is brilliant in its simplicity. Enter the URL of any image on the web, and it will go out and refresh it every time the widget is loaded. It works great for obscure webcam locations that don't have their own widgets. I use it to keep an eye on my hometown, my alma mater, and my current city's skyline!

  • shoozhoo

    – November 07 2008


  • Chumby-M

    – November 07 2008

    >>See this page[http://d.hatena.ne.jp/shoozhoo/20081107#p1].<< Much too complicated.

  • shoozhoo

    – November 07 2008

    URL list is Text. The cross-domain problem occurs when Flash accesses the text data. Therefore, this wiget doesn't support the function. However, it is possible to achieve it easily by making CGI on chumby. See this page[http://d.hatena.ne.jp/shoozhoo/20081107#p1]. if you do not want to change a Image, set very long value to reload interval. Or, only one is registered in the URL list.

  • Chumby-M

    – November 07 2008

    >>This wiget doesn't have SignIn function for Flickr,Picasa.<< OK. I put an image on my own server and now I can see it with in the Chumby using a URL that ends with ".jpg". I understand the Zoom function and Reload. Request: rotate through list (or folder) of URLs, with timing for rotation and a "no rotation" setting.

  • shoozhoo

    – November 06 2008

    Do you need SignIn to look the image from PC? If it is so, you can not use this widget for this image. This wiget doesn't have SignIn function for Flickr,Picasa.

  • Chumby-M

    – November 06 2008

    >>Can you show me your URL? Shall I check your URL? Use any Flickr URL for a single picture. I can't make it function with Flickr or Picasa.

  • shoozhoo

    – November 06 2008

    File extension is not important. An Important Thing is Content-type header in the HTTP response. It should be 'image/jpeg'(or image/gif). It is not Html(text/html), Xml(text/xml). URL doesn't need brackets. Can you show me your URL? Shall I check your URL?

  • Chumby-M

    – November 05 2008

    Is his supposed to function with any URL? Or only with a URL that ends with an image extension? Brackets with the URL or no brackets?

  • Fothman

    – November 04 2008

    Love the zoom function. Would like options to: 1. Pan 2. Email picture displayed But it is great the way it is

  • shoozhoo

    – November 04 2008

    Use is almost the same as [Load Image from URL]. The difference is to provide the zoom function and the reload function. And Background is black. [Prevent Caching] is always yes. On Customize URL of the image that wants to be displayed in [Image URL] is input. Example[http://www.chumby.com/images/application/chumby_logo_text90.gif] Please teach when there is image URL not displayed.

  • Chumby-M

    – November 04 2008

    Doesn't work on a URL from Flickr. How about providing some detailed instructions?

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