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Spanish Word of the Day

by howdog (community developer)
last update on: 06/22/2014
popularity rank: 6
average rating:
  • Currently 4 Stars
(44 ratings)

description: See the latest spanish word(s) of the day, including it's english translation, and use in a sentence. You'll be smrat in no time!

preview of 'Spanish Word of the Day' app

This content requires Adobe Flash Player 8 or greater.

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Click the widget to enable audio if the widget uses it. Note that modern browser security may prevent the widget from loading content from other web sites, however the widget should be able to load properly on the chumby devices. These previews are possible through the use of Ruffle ‐ note that Ruffle is still a work in progress, and not all Flash features are implemented, so some widgets may not perform optimally.

Blue Octy LLC is providing these community-developed apps as a courtesy and makes no representations regarding the apps or any information related to them. Any questions, complaints or claims regarding the apps should be directed to the appropriate author


  • garetht

    – April 22 2017

    Doesn't work - displays "Network Error"

  • jhaynes

    – March 21 2012

    This widget is really confusing without the special characters. Yesterday's word of the day was (el) dueño but the widget displayed dueo. There's not much point in trying to increase your Spanish vocabulary if the words that you are learning are wrong. It would be really nice if the widget were updated to properly display the Spanish characters.

  • gbblanch

    – January 29 2010

    This message is for howdog (the developer of the Spanish Word of the Day widget) but may be of interest for other users who aren't seeing the words properly. Hi howdog, Chumby support told me to leave a message for you here and it would be forwarded to you by email. I'm the owner of www.braser.com and the writer/producer/publisher of the Braser Soft Spanish Word of the Day which you use for the Chumby widget by the same name. I have two items I'd like to discuss with you: 1) maybe you're not aware of it, but the accented Spanish letters shown on my website are not showing up on the Chumby widget. A word like "señora" (with a Spanish "enye" as the third letter) shows up in the widget as "seora". This may be a code page issue you might want to look into. 2) Recently I'm getting thousands of hits every day from the Chumby servers. I just wanted to check with you that the widget is configured to respect the TTL feed time of 1440 (24 hours). Checking for updates more than once a day is useless since the page is updated only once every 24 hours, approximately. If you'd like to contact me, please use the contact form on the website since I don't want to, for reasons you'll understand, to leave my private email in a public forum. Thanks, Brad Blanchard Braser Soft Learn Spanish http://www.braser.com

  • Voices

    – January 07 2010

    I miss the special characters like ñ or é. E.g. I see "seor" and not "señor" o the display. I think it's a problem of the code pages

  • master

    – October 03 2009


  • Parkerthon

    – November 22 2008

    I'm not sure where this widget is pulling its words from, but this is full of obvious mispelling and grammatical errors. Sometimes basic words are consistently incorrect. Such as "Despues" which means "after". In three Word of the Day entries it is seen in various forms incorrectly such as "Despus", "Despus de", and "Poco despus". Beyond that there are various typos in example sentences. While I greatly appreciate this developers efforts for giving us this neat little widget, the source of information can be misleading and downright wrong. Someone that speaks native spanish (or is at least fluent) really needs to audit this database.

  • blahblah343

    – August 04 2008

    cool - finally!

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