by sirchadwick (community developer)popularity rank: 14
description: Enjoy an artificial sunrise including bird sounds which wake you up gently: Brightness and volume will slowly increase over 10 minutes. Use it to wake up when you are in a light REM-sleep phase and be fresh in the morning. Instructions: Make it the only widget in a new channel and create an alarm timer which switches to this channel when you want to wake up (do as described [[http://www.chumby.com/pages/cp_alarm_custom|here]] and select audio source "None" in step 4). Make sure you switch from another channel to this one, otherwise you won't get a fresh sunrise. Optionally, create a conventional backup alarm timer 10 minutes later. A second possibility is to make "dawn" the first widget in a channel and customize its play time to 600 seconds. The following widgets could then be louder to wake you up for sure.
Click the widget to enable audio if the widget uses it. Note that modern browser security may prevent the widget from loading content from other web sites, however the widget should be able to load properly on the chumby devices. These previews are possible through the use of Ruffle ‐ note that Ruffle is still a work in progress, and not all Flash features are implemented, so some widgets may not perform optimally.
Blue Octy LLC is providing these community-developed apps as a courtesy and makes no representations regarding the apps or any information related to them. Any questions, complaints or claims regarding the apps should be directed to the appropriate author
– September 14 2011
I have a chumby one WidgetTester
– September 14 2011
@svogel1985 - Which type of device are you using this app on?
– September 14 2011
I really like the concept of this app and really want it to work for me, but unfortunately every time Chumby goes to it, it freezes. I've tried rebooting and tried running it in its own channel or at the beginning of another channel... still freezes. Any ideas?
– December 18 2010
I was so excited about this app. However, it seems that my chumby device does not allow me to set my alarm to a channel or music, only to some annoying pre-set noise. :( Any insight?? I have an Insignia 8" Infocast.
– October 17 2010
thank you, cool app always evenly wakes me up.
– October 11 2010
Hi kevgan25, I used http://www.flashdevelop.org the free flash development environment. Here on the chumby site are some examples for the Chumby: http://wiki.chumby.com/mediawiki/index.php/FlashDevelop
– October 11 2010
Hello sirchadwick what program did you use to create this widget, like what flash builder. Could you please respond thank you .
– January 20 2010
Yes, I want to be able to hit Snooze and either the birds stop for 5 mins or the whole thing pause for 5 mins and reset. Thanks!
– January 15 2010
Hi Punga, I only have an original Chumby, cant test on a One. The chirping sound is intended to resemble early morning birds, is that what you mean or is it something different? Hi mattchapman, snooze... hm, its supposed to wake you up slowly without snoozw. How would you like to have a snooze? Press once on the screen and another sunrise will start 10 minutes later? I tend to oversleep if i have a snooze-button though...
– January 15 2010
Really nice idea but would be great if you could "snooze".
– June 18 2009
Thanks sirchadwick! I can't wait to try this alarm tomorrow :)
– June 18 2009
Hi Omyeye, you can switch to a channel in an alarm as you see here: http://www.chumby.com/pages/cp_alarm_custom -> Set the audio source (step 4) to "None" and the action after an alarm (step 10) to switch to the channel with the dawn-widget.
– June 17 2009
How do you make your chumby switch to a channel in an alarm? I only see how to make it switch after alarm...thanks!
Big Country
– June 16 2009
wow nice turnaround! i am really stoked about this widget, thanks for tweakin' it as I had hoped! i shall wake up in pure bliss from hence forth! (ok maybe not pure bliss, but darn good job I say!)
– June 16 2009
Hi Big Country, the sound should be OK now.
– June 15 2009
Hi Big Country, timer is removed. About the sound: The widget loads it from an external source, maybe there is a timeout. Ill have a look into it.
Big Country
– June 15 2009
I really love this idea.... two things though... whats up with the red "timer" that always starts at 15? I think it detracts from the aesthetic appeal and kinda drives me batty! second...twice already my chumby switches over to my channel where this is located, and the sun begins to rise, yet no sound at all - chumby not on mute, and no headphones/speakers plugged in. i then switch channels again and re-switch to this channel, fresh sunrise with sound! any ideas?
– June 15 2009
Hi DanielCasner, thank you for your positive feedback and the good idea. I added it to the description of the widget.
– June 14 2009
Excellent idea and an elegant to augment the functionality of Chumby's built in alarm. You don't need to make this the only Widget in a channel, just make it the first widget in a channel and set a custom duration of 600 seconds. You could even place a widget with a louder alarm as the second widget in the channel etc.
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