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Info on how to install chumby onto your Sony dash here.

Apps by quizengine

  • Accelerometer for Developers

    Accelerometer for Developers

    by: quizengine (community developer)

    Written while working on another app - thought it might be useful for other developers. Displays data from the accelerometer. Commented source is available for those wanting to do widgets that use the accelerometer. Download from http://www.quizengine.co.uk/chumby/accelerometer.fla Does not work on a Virtual Chumby. You accept responsibility for any damage caused to your Chumby by shaking !

    created: 04/20/2008
    average rating:
    • Currently 2 Stars
  • Another Nixie Clock

    Another Nixie Clock

    by: quizengine (community developer)

    Before there were LCDs or even LEDs, we had Nixie Tubes. And although developer myridom has made two Nixie tube clocks, I love this retro tech so much that I had to make one too.

    created: 03/10/2009
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • BBC Sports News Headlines

    BBC Sports News Headlines

    by: quizengine (community developer)

    BBC Sports News from newsrss.bbc.co.uk. Tap the '?' in the widget to find the controls. Proxyed through Yahoo Pipes.

    created: 04/16/2009
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • Beonscreen.com RSS

    Beonscreen.com RSS

    by: quizengine (community developer)

    UK residents...Would you like free TV show tickets ? How about being on TV... on a quiz show ? ... or a reality show ? Monitor the offers right here on your Chumby ! (Apologies about the poor formatting on some of the listings. I've done my best to tidy up the RSS with Yahoo Pipes, but there's still some stinky formatting gets through)

    created: 04/18/2009
    average rating:
    • Currently 3 Stars
  • Biorhythm


    by: quizengine (community developer)

    Chart your physical, emotional and intellectual well being. Use the config widget to enter up to four people's details. [About as scientific as horoscopes IMO, but a useful widget for those who believe]

    created: 05/23/2008
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • Chalkboard Clock

    Chalkboard Clock

    by: quizengine (community developer)

    A digital clock with a place to leave messages, draw pictures or just doodle. Pin it, or place it in it's own channel to have your message stay on.

    created: 04/30/2008
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • Chromachron Clock

    Chromachron Clock

    by: quizengine (community developer)

    Site member "blue" asked for this, so I thought I'd oblige.

    created: 04/22/2008
    average rating:
    • Currently 3 Stars
  • DTNS Countdown

    DTNS Countdown

    by: quizengine (community developer)

    Dailytechnewsshow.com has an unmissable weekday podcast about tech news. Join Tom Merritt and guests for a well informed and entertaining review of the hot topics from the world of technology. DTNS can be downloaded as a podcast, or you can listen or watch live as the show is recorded, and participate in the live chatroom. This widget counts down to the broadcast start, and plays the show's theme tune for 1 minute when the timer reaches zero hour. Use the configure widget to set the time you want to be reminded (usually 16:30 EST, but you can set the time you want).

    created: 02/26/2015
    average rating:
    • Currently 0 Stars
  • Elite Dangerous Countdown

    Elite Dangerous Countdown

    by: quizengine (community developer)

    Made for the game Elite:Dangerous for anyone who is contributing to Powerplay. In Powerplay there is a 'cooldown' period between courier activities you do. This is (as of writing) 30 minutes. This countdown timer defaults to 30 minutes, but can be set anywhere between 1 and 99 minutes, if you want to use it for other things. Best put in a channel of its own, or 'pin' it if you use in another channel. Carry on Commanders...

    created: 06/19/2015
    average rating:
    • Currently 0 Stars
  • Free Radical (Free version)

    Free Radical (Free version)

    by: quizengine (community developer)

    A particle physics toy. Tap and drag the three nuclei to change the electron's orbit. (Note: this appears sluggish on a Virtual Chumby because of the 12FPS framerate limit, but runs fine on the real device)

    created: 03/04/2009
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • Keepie Uppie

    Keepie Uppie

    by: quizengine (community developer)

    Keep tapping that soccer ball to keep it off the ground... Feature requests for V2 very welcome.

    created: 07/22/2009
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • Offset Clock

    Offset Clock

    by: quizengine (community developer)

    This is a further development of my 'World Clocks' widget. In this version, clock one always shows your system time. Using the config for this widget, the 2nd clock can be made to show a different time, using an hours and minutes offset (either +ve or -ve). Created in response to a request from a user who wanted to be able to know what time he would arrive in town if he left now - hope you like it...

    created: 11/21/2009
    average rating:
    • Currently 3 Stars
  • Page Turner

    Page Turner

    by: quizengine (community developer)

    Proof of concept - Seeing if the Chumby had enough horsepower to do this. Tap and drag the pages to turn. Anyone think of a sensible use for this ?

    created: 02/04/2009
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • Score Tester

    Score Tester

    by: quizengine (community developer)

    This is for developers. The source shows how to access the 'scorekeeper' that's part of Chumby.com. This allows you to build high score tables for games, and more. Does not function on Virtual Chumby - see the '?' (Help) function within the widget to see how to get the source. Game on !

    created: 04/21/2008
    average rating:
    • Currently 3 Stars
  • SpiroArt


    by: quizengine (community developer)

    The beauty of mathematics... and that Spirowhatsit toy we played with as kids. Tap the screen for a new pattern. Some patterns draw slowly as there's some complex trig going on. (Will probably play very slowly on Virtual Chumby due to 12 fps framerate)

    created: 05/13/2008
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • Two Clocks

    Two Clocks

    by: quizengine (community developer)

    Two clocks that you can set different time zones for, and then label them. Choose from several colour schemes, and whether you want the seconds hand to be shown. If anyone wants new colour schemes added, email me via the forums with the RGB colours and theme name. Quizengine.

    created: 04/18/2008
    average rating:
    • Currently 3 Stars