Unbrick your Sony dash! Details here.
Info on how to install chumby onto your Sony dash here.


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  • BBC2 Clock

    BBC2 Clock

    by: rodbegbie (community developer)

    Classic on-screen BBC2 clock from the 80s Pinched from http://625.uk.com/

    created: 11/16/2007
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • Beams


    by: adorman (community developer)

    Inspired by the designs of Clodagh, who's work can be seen here; http://www.projects-us.com/html/clogagh.html. Get free clocks for your own website at www.adamdorman.com.

    created: 08/07/2008
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • beats


    by: oxalice (community developer)

    this widget displays the Internet time. the Internet time is same time system for you and me and chumbies.

    created: 01/18/2010
    average rating:
    • Currently 3 Stars
  • Big Ben

    Big Ben

    by: McConnell (community developer)

    The original is back by popular demand. Enjoy it in all of it's foggy goodness! Chimes on the hour. Also check out the updated version (Big Ben 2.0).

    created: 04/23/2008
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • Big Clock

    Big Clock

    by: dmaxwell (community developer)

    A large clock designed to be viewed from a distance or without glasses.

    created: 10/12/2007
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • Big Flip Clock

    Big Flip Clock

    by: adorman (community developer)

    A variation on my previous flip clocks with larger and clearer panels. Get free clocks for your own website at [[http://www.adamdorman.com|www.adamdorman.com]].

    created: 11/07/2008
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • Big Font Clock

    Big Font Clock

    by: thesunnyk (community developer)

    Simple Clock with big text. I wanted a clock which had the time in as big a text as possible, but also had the day and date, and presented it all in a simple, clearly readable format. New version with a different font, increased spacing, and re-jigged colouring. Includes year again. Space on the left will be used for a calendar (eventually).

    created: 06/19/2009
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • BigBen 2.0

    BigBen 2.0

    by: McConnell (community developer)

    The fog has moved out of London - see Big Ben in all of it's glory! Featuring 'real time' night and day with an updated clock mechanism for more accurate chimes. Sky begins to darken around 4:30pm - By 8:00pm it's dark and you can appreciate the gentle glow of the dial. Sun rises sometime around 6:30am and sheds a golden light on the clock tower. The original is also still available (for those of you who enjoy the foggy goodness).

    created: 09/18/2009
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • Binary Clock

    Binary Clock

    by: dmaxwell (community developer)

    A clock that displays the time in binary

    created: 11/05/2006
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • Binary Clock - BW Theme

    Binary Clock - BW Theme

    by: heltoew (community developer)

    This is a clock based on binary. The clock separates the digits by seconds, minutes and hours.

    created: 05/04/2008
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • BinaryWatch


    by: kpaulsen (community developer)

    Inspired by a binary watch, this clock features time with seconds and a date display. Tap the screen to view the date for 5 seconds.

    created: 08/05/2010
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • Black Chumby logo clock

    Black Chumby logo clock

    by: chumby (chumby industries)

    A chumby clock.

    created: 04/01/2008
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • Black Digital Clock

    Black Digital Clock

    by: likearaptor (community developer)

    Black Digital Clock. Based off the original chumby digital clock. You can touch the screen to change to 24 hr format. I am working on getting it so you can customize this widget and choose the background and foreground colors.

    created: 12/28/2009
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • Black European Digital Clock

    Black European Digital Clock

    by: likearaptor (community developer)

    Black Digital Clock. Based off the original chumby digital clock. You can touch the screen to change to 12 hr format.

    created: 01/05/2010
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • Bling Clock

    Bling Clock

    by: sirchadwick (community developer)

    Bling, a clock.

    created: 05/29/2009
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • BlockClock


    by: sirchadwick (community developer)

    The block clock.

    created: 05/31/2009
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • Blue Digital Clock

    Blue Digital Clock

    by: chumby (chumby industries)

    A clock

    created: 02/03/2007
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • Blue LED Clock

    Blue LED Clock

    by: pegazus666 (community developer)

    Just a Mod of the Chumby Sample LCD Clock... because i like blue glowing stuff

    created: 08/28/2010
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • Blue Neon

    Blue Neon

    by: adorman (community developer)

    If you have a Chumby in your bar, this is ideal! Should I make it flicker a little? Get free clocks for your own website at www.adamdorman.com.

    created: 08/07/2008
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • Bouncing Ball Clock (in Blues)

    Bouncing Ball Clock (in Blues)

    by: anaxolotl (community developer)

    A simple h:m:s clock. When the hour, minute or second changes, the appropriate ball bounces... well, it moves up and down at a constant rate... pretend it is bouncing for my benefit.

    created: 01/04/2008
    average rating:
    • Currently 3 Stars
  • Brushed Gold

    Brushed Gold

    by: adorman (community developer)

    This is a close as I get to bling! Get free clocks for your own website at www.adamdorman.com.

    created: 08/07/2008
    average rating:
    • Currently 3 Stars
  • Bubble Clock

    Bubble Clock

    by: RobMiles (community developer)

    A slidy clock with bubbles and ultra-stylish text that is in no way hard to read.

    created: 01/29/2010
    average rating:
    • Currently 2 Stars
  • Built in Clock

    Built in Clock

    by: dmaxwell (community developer)

    This is the same clock as the one built into the Control Panel, typically used when the chumby is not connected to the network.

    created: 12/04/2007
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • Calendar Clock Dark

    Calendar Clock Dark

    by: adorman (community developer)

    A new clock featuring an analogue dial and flip calendar. Some have been asking for a clock like this for a while. Get free clocks for your own website at [[http://www.adamdorman.com/gallery.php?TableName=flash_clocks|www.adamdorman.com]].

    created: 08/30/2009
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • CBD ~ Giger Clock v.1

    CBD ~ Giger Clock v.1

    by: ChumBucketDesigns (community developer)

    H.R. GIGER CLOCK (requested build) by: CHUMBUCKET DESIGNS

    created: 09/12/2009
    average rating:
    • Currently 3 Stars
  • CesareClock


    by: mchnnc (community developer)

    This is a pretty original clock. It runs backwards and tell the day of Cesare...

    created: 06/16/2009
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • Chalkboard Clock

    Chalkboard Clock

    by: quizengine (community developer)

    A digital clock with a place to leave messages, draw pictures or just doodle. Pin it, or place it in it's own channel to have your message stay on.

    created: 04/30/2008
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • ChalkClock


    by: pteranodonte (community developer)

    A very simple clock (but when you have a 3" display...).

    created: 03/09/2012
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars
  • Chromachron Clock

    Chromachron Clock

    by: quizengine (community developer)

    Site member "blue" asked for this, so I thought I'd oblige.

    created: 04/22/2008
    average rating:
    • Currently 3 Stars
  • Chum Bros: Duck Shoot

    Chum Bros: Duck Shoot

    by: McConnell (community developer)

    The Chum Bros. carnival has come to town. Stand aside and let the floating ducks entertain you while showing you the current time, or step right up and take aim. Yellow ducks = 1 point, Red ducks = loose a point, ducks with stars will give you an extra shot. You've got six shots, the stars in the bottom banner represent shots remaining.

    created: 03/02/2009
    average rating:
    • Currently 4 Stars