Accuweather for TV
(chumby industries)Current weather conditions and a 5 day weather forecast for any world location.
created: 07/14/2011 average rating: -
Austin Allergy Forecast
(community developer)News 8 Austin Allergy Forecast
created: 06/11/2008 average rating: -
Centro Solar
(community developer)Centro Solar Chumby App
created: 10/05/2008 average rating: -
Chumby Weather (US)
(community developer)Current weather conditions and forecasts for the United States. This app replaces the NOAA widget.
created: 01/02/2007 average rating: -
(community developer)World map showing recent earthquake activity
created: 01/17/2008 average rating: -
FOX23 Current Conditions
(community developer)Current conditions for the Albany NY area from FOX23
created: 06/01/2007 average rating: -
Green Bay WI 7 Day Forecast
(community developer)Displays the current 7 day weather forecast for Green Bay, WI. The image automatically updates daily. This version is optimized for the 3.5 Chumby and Infocast devices. It is based on the ehertz St Louis Forecast App. Version History: 1.0 - Created widget 1.1 - Corrected image size to fit entire screen
created: 12/05/2017 average rating: -
Indianapolis Radar Map, Forecast
(community developer)From local channels
created: 01/14/2011 average rating: -
Italian Meteo
(community developer)A simple application providing Meteo forecast of the mainly italian Cities.
created: 06/17/2009 average rating: -
Live Weather by WeatherBug
(community developer)Live conditions from the WeatherBug Network.
created: 06/27/2007 average rating: -
Local Weather Radar
(community developer)This app displays animated United States local radar images from the National Weather Service. Tap the screen to set the location, zoom level, and radar type. Touch and drag the radar image to see other areas of the map. App saves pan location between reloads and caches images appropriately. Radar Types: N0R: Base Reflectivity N0V: Base Velocity N1P: One-Hour Precipitation NCR: Composite Reflectivity NTP: Storm Total Precipitation N0Z: Base Reflectivity - Long Range Please log issues (and find the source code) here: [[]] Enjoy! -Rob
created: 07/10/2011 average rating: -
London Weather
(community developer)Weather Live from University College London.
created: 12/27/2009 average rating: -
Minneapolis SkyScan 11
(community developer)SkyScan 11 displays precipitation based on a color scale. Shades of Blue indicate light precipitation. As precip becomes heavier it is shown as yellow, orange, red and finally white.
created: 01/01/2008 average rating: -
Monterey Radar
(community developer)Monterey Bay Weather Radar
created: 12/21/2007 average rating: -
Monterey Radar Loop
(community developer)Monterey Bay Weather Radar Loop
created: 12/21/2007 average rating: -
NOAA MPX Graphicast
(community developer)Graphicast from MPX, Minneapolis-St. Paul
created: 11/20/2008 average rating: -
Northern Michigan Weather
(community developer)Northern Michigan Weather from WPBN TV7&4
created: 02/15/2011 average rating: -
Recent Earthquakes
(community developer)Recent Earthquake widget with data form USGS
created: 01/01/2008 average rating: -
(community developer)O tempo em Portugal
created: 11/02/2008 average rating: -
Snow Storm
(community developer)Watch a snow storm set against one of several backgrounds. Click the screen to change the scenery.
created: 12/13/2007 average rating: -
St. Louis 7 Day Forecast
(community developer)Extended weather forecast for St. Louis metropolitan area based on KMOV forecast.
created: 08/16/2017 average rating: -
St. Louis Weather Radar
(community developer)This shows the current weather radar image for the St. Louis metropolitan area provided by KSDK.
created: 08/16/2017 average rating: -
Swiss Snow Map
(community developer)Snowfall map of Switzerland from the venerable [[ |]] snowdogs. During snow season, tap the screen to toggle between 3day and 1day snow accumulation maps! [Schwiiz, Schweiz, Suisse, Svizzera, Svizra]
created: 03/19/2008 average rating: -
Twin Cities Radar
(community developer)Radar view of the Twin Cities metro area.
created: 01/10/2008 average rating: -
(community developer)It's the simplest weather report you'll ever need. This application provides a simple Yes/No answer to the question "will I need an umbrella?".
created: 11/20/2009 average rating: -
US Radar (Unisys)
(community developer)US radar and weather map from Unisys. (
created: 05/31/2011 average rating: -
Weather Calendar
(community developer)A nice simple calendar/weather display. (U.S. weather only)
created: 08/18/2010 average rating: -
(community developer)A bunch of satellite weather maps from around the intershnitzel. Some show up as little blotches on the Chumby, some as representations of lighting strikes, and between them you get some vague idea of whether you should wear a sweatshirt today.
created: 10/03/2008 average rating: -
Wetter von
(community developer)Version 0.8 - Umlaute in Ortsnamen eingebunden (magicwoody) - Orte, die "errechnete Werte" anzeigen funktionieren auch (Salomon2k) - Einige Rechtschreib- und Anzeigefehler behoben Das ist eine Betaversion - daher auch die Versionsnummer 0.x. Ich nehme gerne Feedback unter [email protected] entgegen. Zeigt das aktuelle Wetter zum angegebenen Ort von
created: 01/30/2011 average rating: -
(community developer)wGraph is a weather graph widget which takes data and displays weather underground graphs for the given location. you can select the location id from the list at : []
created: 09/01/2010 average rating: